
drygear® Apiro Zahnstangengetriebe mit Doppelachse

RL-A15.0100.3 product image
RL-A15.0100.3 technical drawing
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RL-A15.0100.3 product image
RL-A15.0100.3 technical drawing

Apiro® Lineargetriebe zum Umwandeln von rotierenden in axiale Bewegungen – die Doppel-Version für beidseitige Pusher-Aufgaben.


  • Flexible Hübe ab 60mm möglich
  • Max. axiale Last von 50N
    • Antrieb typischerweise über Apiro® Schneckengetriebe
    • Antrieb manuell und motorisch möglich

    Weitere Vorteile

    • Synchronisierung über Apiro® Baukaukasten einfach möglich
    • Initiator-Kit für alle Varianten verfügbar

    Der angegebene Hub bezieht sich auf den Hub je Seite.



    Gerne beantworte ich Ihre Fragen auch persönlich

    André Kirchhofer
    André Kirchhofer

    igus-icon-phone+41 62 388 97 82

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    The terms "Apiro", "AutoChain", "CFRIP", "chainflex", "chainge", "chains for cranes", "ConProtect", "cradle-chain", "CTD", "drygear", "drylin", "dryspin", "dry-tech", "dryway", "easy chain", "e-chain", "e-chain systems", "e-ketten", "e-kettensysteme", "e-loop", "energy chain", "energy chain systems", "enjoyneering", "e-skin", "e-spool", "fixflex", "flizz", "i.Cee", "ibow", "igear", "iglidur", "igubal", "igumid", "igus", "igus improves what moves", "igus:bike", "igusGO", "igutex", "iguverse", "iguversum", "kineKIT", "kopla", "manus", "motion plastics", "motion polymers", "motionary", "plastics for longer life", "print2mold", "Rawbot", "RBTX", "RCYL", "readycable", "readychain", "ReBeL", "ReCyycle", "reguse", "robolink", "Rohbot", "savfe", "speedigus", "superwise", "take the dryway", "tribofilament", "tribotape", "triflex", "twisterchain", "when it moves, igus improves", "xirodur", "xiros" and "yes" are legally protected trademarks of the igus® GmbH/ Cologne in the Federal Republic of Germany and where applicable in some foreign countries. This is a non-exhaustive list of trademarks (e.g. pending trademark applications or registered trademarks) of igus GmbH or affiliated companies of igus in Germany, the European Union, the USA and/or other countries or jurisdictions.

    igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH